Walters Barker and Ellis
Thomas Groom Barker and George Ellis were both pupils and assistants of Edward Walters and in the 1850s had assisted him in making the drawings for the Free Trade Hall, Williams Deacon’s Bank, and many large warehouse buildings. About 1863 Walters sought to retire and over the next four years gradually withdrew from active involvement, handing control of the practice to Barker and Ellis.
The first works under the style of Barker and Ellis date from 1869 and include the Manchester Grammar School (Langworthy Buildings), the Old Stock Exchange, the Commercial Buildings Cross Street, the Manchester Guardian Offices, Cross Street; the Union Assurance Buildings, Chapel Walks; Barton Union Offices; restoration of Flixton Church; the Deaf and Dumb School (Pendlebury Wing); extensions to the Manchester and District Bank and the Williams Deacons Bank.