Building Name

The New Cambridge Music-Hall, London.

1897 - 1897
Commercial Street
Shoreditch, London Borough of Hackney
GLC, England
New build
S. R. Lamble


REBUILDING THE CAMBRIDGE MUSIC HALL, LONDON - It is slated that the tender of Mr. R S. Lambe, of £19,460, for the rebuilding of the Royal Cambridge Music Hall, for the Consolidated Contract Corporation, Limited, from plans which have been prepared by Mr. D. H. Percival, architect, of Adelphi, has been accepted, and the work will be immediately proceeded with. [Builder 23 January 1897 page 83]

THE NEW CAMBRIDGE THEATRE OF VARIETIES - Mr. Deputy Pearce Morrison, Chairman of the Guildhall School of Music, laid the foundation stone on the 31st ult., of the new building which is to take the place of the old Cambridge Music Hall in Commercial-street, E., destroyed by fire in January last year. The new hall is to be in the Moorish style, of red brick, with Bath stone dressings, and designed by Mr. Henry Percival, architect, London, and will accommodate an audience of about 2,500. Every part of the building will be provided with two distinct exits and fire-proof staircases. The pit and stall floor will be about 10 ft. below the level of Commercial Street; the first circle will be about the street level, with a gallery above. The building which will cost £25,000, will be supplied with hot water coils for heating purposes, and will be lighted by electricity. [Builder 10 April 1897 page 344]

MUSIC HALL, LONDON - The new Cambridge Music Hall, Commercial-street, Bishopsgate, is now nearing completion. The total seating accommodation for the stalls, pit, private boxes, circle, and gallery will be for over 2,000 persons, with standing room in the rear of each tier for another 500. The stage will be 41 feet wide by 30 feet deep. The premises will be heated throughout by hot water coils, and provision has been made for lighting the house by electric light. Mr. S. R. Lamble, of Kentish Town, is the builder, and the architect is Mr. Harry Percival, of Adelphi. [Builder 4 December 1897 page 476] 

THE NEW CAMBRIDGE MUSIC HALL, LONDON - The Cambridge Music-hall, Bishopsgate, which was burnt down some time ago, having been rebuilt, has now been reopened to the public. There are eight entrances in Commercial-street, and four separate exits are provided for the pit and gallery, with an additional exit from the latter delivering into Vine-court. A saloon has been provided at the Commercial-street level. The pit and stalls’ floor are about 10 feet below the level of Commercial Street. The total seating accommodation for the stalls, pit, private boxes, circle, and gallery is 2,000 persons, with standing room in the rear of each tier for another 300. Mr. Harry Percival was the architect. [Builder 15 January 1898 page 65]