Ten Shops, Penrhyn Road, Colwyn Bay
Floreat, Colwyn Bay! Further Building Developments. Penrhyn Road as a Business Centre. With the completion of the Hotel Metropole on one side and the erection of new business premises on the other side, Penrhyn Road promises to become a new business centre, rivalling Station Road in popularity. We are able to furnish our readers this week with the view of a group of ten first class shops which it is proposed to erect in Penrhyn Road. To a very large extent it may said that the builders commence operations under more favourable auspices than the builders of those in Station Road. The latter commencing in a more modest style, have had to be enlarged and modified from time to time in order to cope with the increased prosperity of the town whilst the new shops will be built in accordance with the most recent improvements to meet these altered conditions, and will be fitted throughout with the electric light. Each shop will have its own private entrance communicating with suites of living rooms on the upper floors. Although a certain amount of uniformity is preserved in the general design, the elevation is diversified in character, and repetition of outline and architectural features have been avoided, thus giving a more interesting appearance to the buildings as a whole. The architects are Messrs Booth, Chadwick & Porter, of Colwyn Bay and Manchester, who have instructions to proceed with the work with all convenient dispatch. [Weekly News for Colwyn Bay 6 April 1900 page 6]
Reference Weekly News for Colwyn Bay 6 April 1900 page 6