Building Name

St Mary’s Parish Church, Prestwich: Chancel, Organ Transept and Vestries

1887 - 1889
Church Lane
GMCA, England
Grade I
William Southern and Sons

TO BUILDERS – Prestwich Parish Church, near Manchester, Contractors desirous of submitting tenders for building a new Chancel, Organ Transept and Vestries, may see the plans and specification at the vestry of the church from Wednesday 19 January to Saturday 29 January 1887, both days inclusive. Bills of Quantities may be obtained on application to Mr W Wright, surveyor, Lancaster. Tenders will be received under cover by the architects, Messrs Paley and Austin, Lancaster, not later than Monday 31 January. Lancaster 10 January 1887

Prestwich Church has been closed for a few weeks in order to carry out the completion of the chancel restorations etc. [Manchester Guardian 29 April 1889 page 6]

PRESTWICH PARISH CHURCH: CONSECRATION OF THE NEW CHANCEL – The new chancel which has been erected at the Prestwich Parish Church under the direction of Messrs Paley and Austin, architects, of Lancaster was consecrated at an afternoon service yesterday by the Bishop of Manchester. [Manchester Guardian 8 June 1889 page 4]

Reference    Manchester Guardian 22 January 1887 page 4 - contracts
Reference    Manchester Guardian 29 April 1889 page 6 –
Reference    Manchester Guardian 8 June 1889 page 4 - consecration
Reference    Building News 14 June 1889
Reference    British Architect 1894 page 150 and illustration