School-church, Pennys Lane, Witton, Northwich
In connection with the United Methodist Free Church, foundation stones of a school-church were laid last week in Pennys Lane Witton Northwich. The building will comprise a school-chapel capable of seating 180 adults, two large vestries and a store room with tea boiler and heating apparatus cellar underneath. There will be two entrance porches. At the rear of the site separate yards and offices will be provided for the scholars etc. The building will be of brick with Eddisbury red-stone dressinga. The interior woodwork and fittings will be of best pitch pine, twice varnished. Mr S Hurst of the firm Maxwell Tuke Hurst, architects, Southport is the architect. Messrs Leicester Brothers, joiners & builders, Northwich are the sole contractors. [British Architect 29 July 1881 Page 382]
NORTHWICH - The foundation‑stones of a school‑chapel, in connection with the United Methodist Free Churches, were laid on Tuesday last, in Penny's‑lane, Witton, Northwich. The site is on the easterly side of Penny's‑lane, and the front of the building will be 26 yards back from the lane, thus leaving a good site for a large chapel, which it is proposed to build in the near future. The building will be a neat, plain structure, and will comprise a school‑ chapel capable of seating 180 adults, two large vestries, and a store‑room, with tea‑boiler and heating‑ apparatus cellar underneath. There will be two entrance‑porches, for the use of boys and girls respectively. At the rear of the site separate yards and offices will be provided for the scholars, &c. All outside walls will have 3 inch. cavities, and will be built of brick, with Eddisbury red‑stone dressings. The internal woodwork and fittings will be of the best pitch‑pine, twice varnished. The premises will be heated by means of hot water. The inlet of fresh air and the expulsion of vitiated air will be effectually provided for. The plans have been prepared by Mr S. Hurst, of the firm of Maxwell, Tuke, and Hurst, architects, Southport, and the buildings will be erected under the architect's personal supervision. Messrs Leicester Brithers, joiners and builders, Northwich, are the sole contractors [Building News 15 July 1881 Page 85-86].
Reference British Architect 29 July 1881 Page 382
Reference Building News 15 July 1881 Page 85-86