Building Name

Restoration: Church of St Grwst, Willow Street, Llanrwst

1882 - 1883
Willow Street
Clwyd, Wales
Restoration and extension
Samuel Parry, of Llanrwst

The church has been re-seated throughout with plain oak seats, and the gallery which stood at the west end has been taken down, the accommodation thus taken away being supplied by the building; of a new aisle upon the north side oi the church, and the choir which formerly sat in the gallery is now placed in the church. An oak screen across the east end of the north aisle forms a new vestry, and proposed organ chamber and a movement is already on foot for the purchase of an organ at a cost of from £ 300 to £ 400. Antiquarians will be glad to hear that the handsome old road loft remains untouched except for a thorough cleaning, which has much improved it. The old system of heating the church by flues has been supplanted by hot water, and the lighting is also new. These alterations have been very ably designed by Messrs Paley and Austin, architects, Lancaster, and efficiently carried out by Mr Samuel Parry, builder and contractor, of Llanrwst. The heating arrangements were carried out by Messrs Seward, of Preston. The total cost of the restoration including the cost of a now oak pulpit and lectern, is about £2200, of which about £150 remains to be collected. [North Wales Chronicle 29 November 1884 page 6]

Reference           North Wales Chronicle 29 November 1884 page 6 - reopening