Building Name

Oxford Buildings (Barclays Bank), Conway Road, Colwyn Bay

1896 - 1897
40 Coway Road (A547) and 2-4 Harwarden Road
Colwyn Bay
Clwyd, Wales
New Build
John Roberts, Colwyn Bay

OXFORD BUILDINGS, COLWYN BAY, NORTH WALES. These premises have just been completed from the plans of Messrs. Booth, Chadwick, and Porter, architects, of Manchester and Colwyn Bay. The building occupies a good position in the centre of the town fronting the main road between Abergele and Conway. A part of the premises is let for the purpose of a social club, and another part to a Lodge of local Freemasons. The remainder is let for offices and business purposes. The outside walls are built with a warm, buff-coloured facing brick with deep-red terracotta window heads, panels, stringcourses, etc.; the interior woodwork is all stained walnut colour, and varnished. The whole of the work has been carried out in a substantial manner by Mr. John Roberts, builder, of Colwyn Bay. [Building News 23 April 1897 page 595 and illustration]

Reference           Building News 23 April 1897 page 595 and illustration

Ground floor much altered. 40 Colwyn Road with modern shopfront now occupied by Barclays Bank