Organ Case and Stalls: Parish Church of St Cuthbert, Halsall
New stalls, a new stained‑glass window, and a new organ have been erected in the parish‑church of Halsall, Liverpool. The organ is by Rushworth, of Liverpool, from designs by Messrs Paley and Austin, of Lancaster. [Building News 6 November 1874 page 548]
HALSALL, LANCASHIRE - Re-opening of the Chancel, Halsall Church, and Opening of a New Organ - This church has been re-opened. The most striking alterations in the chancel are the new stalls, stained glass window, and the new organ. The organ has been erected by Messrs. W. Rushworth and Sons, of Liverpool, and is a splendid instrument, no expense having been spared to make it of the very best material and workmanship. The metal used is almost pure tin throughout. The organ contains two manuals, CC to A, 58 notes, and the following stops: Great organ: Double diapason, 16 feet; open diapason, 8 feet; salacinol, 8 feet; clarabella, 8 feet; principal, 4 feet; harmonic flute, 4 feet; twelfth, 3 feet; fifteenth, 2 feet; sesquialter, four ranks; trumpet, 8 feet Swell organ: Bourdon, 16 feet; open diapason, 8 feet; dulciana, 8 feet; stop diapason, 8 feet; principal, 4 feet; mixture, three ranks; cornopean, 8 feet; hautboy, 8 feet Pedal organ: Open diapason, 16 feet; stop diapason, 16 feet; principal, 8 feet; trombone, 16 feet; four couplers, and five composition pedals. The case is of oak, carved in a most artistic manner, designed by Messrs. Paley and Austin, Lancaster. [British Architect 13 November 1874 page 312]
Reference Building News 6 November 1874 page 548
Reference British Architect 13 November 1874 page 312