Building Name

Municipal Buildings, Station Road, Colwyn Bay

1891 - 1893
Station Road
Colwyn Bay
Clwyd, Wales
New build
Edward Foulkes

MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS, COLWYN BAY. BUILDERS and others desirous of TENDERING for the Erection and Completion of a Magistrates' Court House, Police Station, Public Offices for the Local Board, Banking Premises, Suites of Offices and appurtenances in Station Road, Colwyn Bay, are requested to forward their applications to the undersigned on or before WEDNESDAY, the 2nd of SEPTEMBER. The lowest or any other Tender not necessarily accepted. BOOTH, CHADWICK AND PORTER, Architects. 28, Faulkner Street, Manchester, and 10, Station Road, Colwyn Bay. [Carnarvon and Denbigh Herald 28 August 1891 page 1]

THE COLWYN BAY MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS - The Colwyn Bay District is rapidly pushing to the front amongst favourite seaside resorts, and the new buildings are added attractions, and anything but detrimental to the appearance of the streets. Take Station Road for example, the new buildings on the west side fill an empty gap which was not handsome, to say the least. Almost any buildings there would have been appreciated, but the eight fine shops and houses Mr E. Foulkes and Mr Madren erected, not only fill the gap satisfactorily, but also are incapable of alteration for the better. The municipal offices (now in course of erection), which will complete this group of handsome buildings, are shown in our illustration. These offices comprise a Police Court, a Police Station, &c., for the Denbighshire Magistracy and County Council offices for the Colwyn Bay and Colwyn Local Board premises for the National Provincial Bank of England and two suites of offices for private firms. The walls are faced with Ruabon bricks, and the dressings are of local stone. Mr Edward Foulkes is the builder, and the architects (to whom great credit is due for their admirable taste) are Messrs Booth, Chadwick, and Porter, of Colwyn Bay and Manchester. [Weekly News for Colwyn Bay 3 May 1892 with illustration]

Reference    Carnarvon and Denbigh Herald 28 August 1891 page 1 - contracts
Reference    Weekly News for Colwyn Bay 3 May 1892 with illustration