Cottage Hospital, Knutsford
This is a neo-Georgian cottage hospital of 1922 by Sir Percy Scott Worthington and Francis Jones, built as a First World War memorial. It is of slim red brick in stretcher bond with tiled roofs. It comprises a two-storey, three-bay central block, with single-storey cross wings, and later additions to the rear and sides, mostly single-storey. The main roofs are hipped with bonnets and sprocketed eaves, and tall chimney stacks. A timber porch has been added to the front of the building, which retains most of its original timber sliding sash windows. Interior photographs indicate very limited survival of original features such as fireplaces, joinery or hospital fittings; the principal survivals are the memorial panels, plaques and statue above the hall fireplace. A marble plaque which was with these features is now fixed to the front of the building. This reads: 'This hospital was founded/ in memory of the gallant/ men from Knutsford and the/ surrounding district who/ gave their lives for King/ and Country in The Great War/ 1914 – 1918/ Their names are recorded/ on the tablet in this hall'. In 1995 the building was acquired by the Red Cross.
Reference RIBA Journal 14 August 1939 page 950-952
Reference English Heritage No 1435662 Reject at Initial Assessment Report 1 November 2016