Clock Turret Worsley Boatyard
Another object of considerable interest at Worsley is the clock erected by Francis, Duke of Bridgewater, and much prized by his grand-nephew, Lord Francis Egerton. An anecdote concerning this clock may have some interest. It seems that prior to the year 1789, in which year this clock was first placed, the late Duke, and his agent, Mr Gilbert, were in the habit of being constantly among the workpeople; going to dinner at the hour of twelve as the men did, and returning at one o’clock to the workshops. So regular and punctual was the Duke that he was frequently the first to make his appearance in the workshops after dinner. Having found it necessary to remonstrate with the workmen on their want of punctuality in returning to work at the close of the dinner hour, his grace, on various occasions, was told by the men that they could not hear the clock strike one, the signal for their return. To deprive them of this excuse, the duke ordered a new clock to be constructed, which, at the hour of one, struck thirteen; and after its erection the men never again pleaded their want of hearing as an excuse for their want of punctuality.
Although now, and indeed for some time past a bell is and has been used to call the men together, the original and peculiar property of the clock has never been taken away or altered; and on the occasion of the recent improvements made in Worsley, in the erection of gas works, saw-mills and workshops, a handsome turret, from a design by Mr Blore, the architect, was erected, to which the clock has been removed as a more eligible situation for it than the forge on which it latterly stood. .... To add to its utility, one of the dials is nightly illuminated with gas; and the “old turret clock” bids fair to remain for many years to come a memorial at once to the ingenuity of the great Duke of Bridgewater, and of the good taste and feeling of his descendent, Lord Francis Egerton. [Manchester Guardian 19 June 1846 page 6]
Reference Manchester Guardian 19 June 1846 page 6
The Worsley Civic Trust have a copy of a photograph of the clock turret, situated a short distance from the chimney.