Church of St Thomas, Halliwell, Bolton
ST. THOMAS’S CHURCH, HALLIWELL, NEAR BOLTON-LE-MOORS - This church was consecrated by the Lord Bishop of Manchester on the 17th inst., and has a nave of five bays, 87ft. by 28ft. 6in., with north and south aisles 11 ft. 6in. wide, and the same length as the nave, a chancel 38ft. by 28ft. 6in., with vestry and organ-chamber above, with a spacious arch opening into the chancel, and forming the lower part of a tower on the north, and on the south side of the chancel the nave aisle is continued from one bay. Seats are provided for 760 adults; the nave and chancel are 38ft. from floor to wall-plate, and 66ft. to point of roof. The church is built entirely of local brick, excepting the pillars, string courses, labels, window-sills, and east window, and shows unplastered brick inside. There are north and south porches to the western bay of nave, the west end has a double tier of three lancets of large dimensions, and a clerestory of fourteen lancets that lights the nave on each side. The east window is of five large lights, trefoil-headed, with elaborate circles of tracery over the side lights. The organ-chamber is to be carried up as an octagonal tower 140ft. high to the top of its roof when funds will allow. The roofs of nave and chancel are of pine, boarded to a “waggon” form, with massive tie beams at intervals; the covering is of red tiles, the chancel floor is paved with Godwin's encaustic tiles, and its fittings are of oak. Generally, the church is of massive and solid construction, the greater part of the walls being more than a yard thick. Mr. Cottam, of Croston, was the contractor, Mr. Waites clerk of works, and Messrs. Paley and Austin, of Lancaster, architects. Mr. Miles, of Barrow, executed the carving. It is intended to erect an oak reredos and panelling at the east end. The cost of the building, exclusive of architects, clerk of works, and boundary walls, has been £6,460. [Building News vol 29 30 July 1875 page 128]
Reference Brandwood The Architecture of Sharpe Paley and Austin. Page 106-7, page 227
Reference Building News vol 29; 30 July 1875 page 128