Building Name

Church of St Barnabas, West Street, Crewe

1883 - 1885
West Street
Cheshire, England
London and North Western Railway Company
New build
Grade II
A. P. Cotterill, Crewe.

Built at the expense of the London and North Western Railway Company for their workers at the Crewe workshops.

Consecration     20 October 1885

TO BUILDERS. PROPOSED CHURCH AT CREWE. Persons desirous of submitting TENDERS for the ERECTION of a CHURCH at Crewe, may see the Plans and Specification on application to F. W. Webb, Esq., Locomotive Department. London and North Western Railway, Crewe; or at the Office of the Architects, Messrs. Paley and Austin. Lancaster, from Friday, August 2«th, to Friday, September7th (both days inclusive)- Bills of Quantities may be obtained on application to Mr. W. Wright, Surveyor, Lancaster. Tenders to be sent (under cover) to the Architect., not later than SATURDAY, September 8th. The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. Lancaster, August 16th 1883. [Building News 17 August 1883 page xxiv]

CREWE - For erection of new church at Crewe. Messrs. Paley and Austin, Lancaster, architects. Quantities supplied by Mr. W. Wright, Lancaster, surveyor:  Contractor: A P  Cotterill of Crewe— £2915 [Building News 12 October 1883 page 592]

CREWE - The foundation stone of a new church was laid at Crewe last week. The estimated cost of the building and endowment is about £4,000. The church will consist of nave, with north and south aisles and chancel, which is the same width as the nave and under the same roof; but an unusual method of roofing the aisles will be adopted. Each aisle is to be roofed with three cross roofs, almost as high as the main roof, showing gables to the front, with a large four-light window in each, and opening into the nave by three wide arches, 21 feet from centre to centre. The roofs of the western bays are to be continued down over the closed porches which fill up the angles between the ends of the aisles and the side walls of the nave. The easternmost gable of the south aisle will be similarly continued down over the organ chamber, the vestry to be placed in the corresponding position on the south side, but roofed separately. The width of the nave and chancel will be 27 feet, the total width across, 67 feet, and the total length 96 feet, all inside dimensions. The walls will be of brick, faced outside and inside with selected brick, those for the inside being pressed bricks. The dressings of the windows, doorways, etc., are to be built of terracotta, made by Mr. J. C. Edwards, of Ruabon, North Wales Accommodation is provided for 500 persons. The architects are Messrs. Paley and Austin, of Lancaster, and the contract for the whole of the works has been taken by Mr. A. P. Cotterill, Crewe. [Building News 7 March 1884 page 386]

Reference        Building News 17 August 1883 page xxiv – contracts
Reference        Building News 12 October 1883 page 592] - tenders
Reference        Building News 7 March 1884 page 386
Reference        Building News volume 49 page 687 (Brandwood)
Reference        Cheshire Observer 28 October 1885 page 3
Reference        Alderley and Wilmslow Advertiser 23 October 1885 page 4