Building Name

Central Hall Methodist Church Fisher Street Carlisle

1922 - 1923
Fisher Street
Cumbria, England
New build

Carlisle Central Hall was opened on 12 April 1923 by Joseph Rank (of Hovis bread fame) who had contributed £10,000 towards the estimated £26,000 cost of the building. The remainder of the money was raised by the first minister of the church, the Revd Bramwell Evans, who later became a national icon as the voice of BBC Radio’s “Romany- B” the children’s nature programme.  Built of red sandstone and occupying a prominent site on Fisher Street close to the Market Hall, it contained a large auditorium with balcony seating about 500 people. Closed in 2005

Architect        Arthur Brocklehurst and Alan W Hornabrook 10 Norfolk Street Manchester and H E Ayris 68 Lowther Street, Carlisle – joint architects

Reference    Manchester Guardian 15 October 1921 page 14 - contracts