Clark Rampling
- Born : 1793 Brandon, Suffolk
- Christened : 6 April 1793, Brandon, Suffolk
- Married: On 23 April 1828 at the Collegiate Church Clark Rampling, architect, to Sarah, daughter of Daniel Speakman Esq of Rusholme Road
- Died : 7 March 1875 Quarry Bank Tranmere
Clark Rampling was the son of Clark Rampling and Eleanor (nee Mason) of Brandon Suffolk and the uncle of Robert Bushell Rampling who also trained as an architect and practiced variously in Liverpool and Preston (qv). He was a pupil of Richard Brown and in 1818-1819 he was employed in the office of C H Tatham London before moving to Manchester, where he placed a curious advertisement seemingly offering a respectable youth the freedom of the City of London. - "Mr Rampling, architect and Surveyor, begs to inform his Friends and the Public that he has removed his office to No 21 Cooper Street, the corner of Booth Street. Mr R has now a vacancy in his office for a respectable youth, who has a taste for Drawing, and a knowledge of Mensuration, as an apprentice; he may by his servitude, obtain the Freedom of the City of London." [Manchester Guardian 21 May 1825 page 2]
He then began practice in Liverpool and Birkenhead in 1832, retiring from practice about 1868. On his retirement he moved to Quarry Bank, Tranmere where he died on 7 March 1875
1815 8 Goodge Street London
1818 Queen Street Mayfair London
1822 C Rampling architect and surveyor, Fountain Street Manchester (James Butterworth Antiquities of the Town of Manchester and Salford)
1825 21 Cooper Street Manchester
1866 Birkenhead
1826 Rampling and Rumble. Clark Rampling and Thomas Rumble
1932-1845 Rampling and Rampling, Liverpool
Exhibited Royal Academy
Exhibited Liverpool Academy 1831, 1832 and 1834
Reference Colvin p 790