Wigan General Cemetery Chapels
WIGAN GENERAL CEMETERY—TO BUILDERS - persons willing to CONTRACT with the Burial Board of the borough of Wigan for the ERECTION and COMPLETION of THREE CHAPELS, Two Lodges, Entrance Gates, Railway Bridge, and other Works, may inspect the plans and specifications from the 9th to the 25th instant. inclusive, at the offices of Mr John S. Marshall, solicitor, Wigan; and at the offices of the architect, Mr. Thomas D. Barry. 47, Bedford street North, Liverpool. where bills of quantities may be obtained, on payment of one guinea. Persons may send in tenders for the whole, or a portion only of the works. Parties whose tenders are accented will be required to enter Into a bond with two sureties, for the proper performance of the work. The board will not pledge itself to accept the lowest tender. The tenders must be delivered, sealed. to the undersigned, on or before twelve o'clock at noon of Monday the 26th instant. JOHN S. MARSHALL, Clerk to the Board. Wigan. February 8. 1855. [Manchester Guardian 10 February 1855 Page 3]
Reference Manchester Guardian 10 February 1855 Page 3 (Contracts)