Building Name

Waterloo and Taunton War Memorial Oldham Road and Taunton Road

Waterloo, Ashton-under-Lyne
New Build

A four-sided column made of Portland Stone, standing on three steps. A plant holder has been placed on each side of the second step, encasing the top step. The structure is surrounded by low railings. On each side of the column there is a sword cut into the stone at the top, and beneath, a wreath. There are four bronze panels, bearing 87 names from the First World War, and 28 from the Second World War.  The architect was Percy Howard and, in its report of the unveiling, the Ashton Reporter described the monument as being of simple but dignified design. Maurice Lees, Mayor, unveiled the memorial on St George's Day, 23 April 1921, in front of 3,000 people.