Victory Cinema de Luxe, Union Street, Oldham
The cinema began life as the New Adelphi Music Hall of 1875 re-named the Hippodrome in 1906. In 1919 the building was closed and converted into a purpose-designed cinema, opened a year later.
The auditorium was stripped of its Victorian interior, including the side and rear private boxes, seating being confined to the stalls and balcony. Although the upper gallery of the original theatre was retained, concerns over safety resulted in its use being restricted to toilet accommodation only. Outside the ground floor level to Union Street was completely altered and faced with glazed tiling in a rich cream and purple colour scheme. The upper levels were more or less left intact. The cinema closed in 1970, when it became a bingo hall. This in turn closed and the foyer area only became an amusement arcade which closed in 2004. In October 2005 planning permission was granted to demolish the Victory and replace it with apartments.