The Regal twin cinemas. (Dancehouse Theatre) Oxford Road Manchester
MANCHESTER - E Nove proposes the conversion of a restaurant, second and third floor premises at Oxford Road, Hulme-street and Chester-street into a cinema. The architects are Messrs Pendleton and Dickinson 16 Brazennose Street, Manchester. [Builder 6 June 1930 Page 1106]
These cinemas were of unusual design, being situated back-to-back with a central projection box divided to serve both cinemas. They span the entire length of a whole block at second floor level with shops on the ground floor. A central foyer at street level serves a foyer at first floor level immediately above. Originally the same film was shown at both cinemas. The cinemas were renovated in 1960 although they had been modernised in 1955 to suit wide screen installations.
The MEN report noted that he had recently opened shops, showrooms and a banqueting hall. In fact the cinema occupied the proposed banqueting hall. The twin cinemas were thus the result of an inspired adaptation of an existing space rather than an original concept.
Reference Builder 6 June 1930 Page 1106
Reference Builder 8 August 1930. Page 248 -Plans approved by Local Authority
Reference Manchester City News 20 September 1930
Reference Kinematograph Weekly 21? August 1930
Reference Kinematograph Weekly 25 September 1930 Page 22
Reference Kinematograph Weekly 2 October 1930 Page 6
Reference Manchester Evening News Thursday 18 September 1930 Page 10