The Empire Electric Theatre Trafford Road Salford
The Empire Electric Theatre, Trafford Road, Salford was opened last Thursday evening to crowded audiences, the quality of the pictures being all that could be desired. The star films, "A child's Influence" and "Marconi's Operator" will be on view tonight (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday). The hall is estimated to seat one thousand persons and is fitted up with all the latest improvements. The electric department is in the hands of Mr Hargreaves, a thoroughly practical operator. The management is conducted by a Lancashire man, Mr Sam Leonard, whose name is a household word in the picture world. The electric work has been done by Messrs Brooks and Rutter. Mr John Knight of Cross-street, Manchester is the architect. Messrs Ogden Brothers of Trafford Road are the proprietors. [Salford City Reporter 30 November 1912. Page 4 Col 4]
The opening of this new cinema was a remarkably low-key event which apparently failed to warrant a separate headline. Instead the opening is included in the general listing of cinemas/films for that week in Salford.
Reference Salford City Reporter 30 November 1912. Page 4 Col 4