Building Name

Temperance Billiard Hall Wilmslow Road Rusholme Manchester

1907 - 1908
Wilmslow Road
Rusholme, Manchester
GMCA, England
Temperance Billiard Halls Limited
New Build

REMUNERATIVE PHILANTHROPY, THE TEMPERANCE BILLIARD HALLS. - Mr A. A. Haworth, MP opened on Saturday afternoon another of the public billiard-rooms which the Temperance Billiard Halls Company have put in various parts of Manchester. The hall is in Wilmslow Road, Rusholme. It is built, furnished, and decorated in the same style other halls, except that the building includes some shops facing the main street. It contains seventeen tables. The Company was formed no longer ago than 1903, but it has since that time built sixteen of these halls. They have evidently' met a need, and though the Company was promoted for purposes which were primarily benevolent, the concern has turned out to be a good financial investment. Mr Haworth on Saturday said that he regarded his first subscription in the Iight of a donation such as he might give to an ordinary men's or boys' club. He intended it as philanthropy, and it had proved to be philanthropy with a very substantial reward at the end of it. [Manchester Guardian 6 April 1908 page 8]