Technical Institute and Public Library. Stretford Road Old Trafford
The foundation stone of a new technical institution and free public library, about to be erected in Old Trafford under the auspices of the Stretford District Council, was laid on Thursday in last week by Sir Humphrey de Trafford. The new library will occupy a prominent position at the comer of Stretford road and Northumberland road. The building, which will be of brick, with terra-cotta facings, has been designed by Mr. John Bowden, architect, Manchester. It will provide, in addition to library and reading room, a hall capable of holding about 600 people, as well as provision for technical instruction classes. The total cost, including furnishing, will be about £5,000. Mr. W. Thorpe, of Manchester, is the contractor. [Building News 6 October 1899 Page 460]
TECHNICAL INSTITUE AND LIBRARY FOR OLD TRAFFORD - It is expected that early next month the new Technical Institute and Public Library at Old Trafford, a sketch of which we give above, will be ready for use, and that classes for students will be in full operation by the middle of the month. The building, which stands at the angle of Stretford Road and Northumberland Street, is of the Italian style of architecture, and presents an important and substantial appearance. It is a home from which must emanate incalculable benefit to the rising generation, whose pursuit in the technical and higher branches of education will be fostered to the utmost extent- a home the want of which has long been felt in the district under the supervision of the Stretford Council. The contract price was £6159, Mr William Thorpe being the contractor, and Mr John Bowden, surveyor to the De Trafford Estate, the architect. The main entrance is from the Stretford Road directly into the library and reading room, 64 feet by 30 feet, with a magazine-room attached. The same entrance will also be used for the technical school, most of the classrooms being in the basement. These are thoroughly well- lighted. and lined with white glazed bricks. with a brown brick dado. An entrance from Northumberland Street can also be used by the scholars, but this will chiefly serve as an access to the lecture hall, which is above the library, and of the same size. There is another room of 30 feet by 22 feet on the first floor. This can conveniently be used for smaller assemblies, or as a classroom, with the usual retiring rooms. The whole of the building will be heated with hot water, and particular care has been Exercised in regard to ventilation. The elevations are faced with Ruabon bricks and terra cotta, and at the angle of the building there is a clock turret, with two dials. [Manchester Courier (Supplement) 18 August 1900 page 8]
Reference Manchester Guardian Tuesday 17 January 1899 Page 3 (Contracts)
Reference Builder 1 April 1899 Page 336 (Tenders)
Reference Building News 6 October 1899 Page 460 - foundation stone
Reference Manchester Courier (Supplement) 18 August 1900 page 8