Building Name

St Paul’s Church Schools, Heaton Moor, Stockport

1888 - 1890
Heaton Moor, Stockport
GMCA, England
New Build
Robert Neill & Sons

Lord Egerton of Tatton and the Building Committee have approved the plans of Messrs Alfred Darbyshire and F Bennett Smith, architects of this city for the new Church schools for St Paul’s Parish, Heaton Moor.

NEW SCHOOLS, HEATON MOOR - On the 13th inst., the new church schools of St. Paul's, Heaton Moor, were formally opened by Lady Egerton. The total estimated cost of the building is £2,000. The schools, which have been erected by Messrs. Neill & Sons, according to the design of Messrs. Darbyshire and Smith, of Manchester, have a frontage to St. Paul’s-road. The plan consists on the ground floor of two rooms 60 ft. by 22ft. and 30 fc. by 24 ft., and having a class-room on either side 18 ft. by 16 ft. In the basement is provided a kitchen, and also heating apparatus chamber and coal cellar. The schoolrooms are heated by a series of hot-water piping, with valves to shut off various portions of the building as required. The walls are lined with enamelled bricks to a height of 4 ft. The roof timbers where seen, and inside doors and finishings, are of pitch pine, and the entrance floors are tiled. Buff terra-cotta, manufactured by Mr. J. C. Edwards, of Ruabon, has been used for the window jambs, heads, sills, and other dressings in lieu of stone. Buff bricks have been used for all external faces of the buildings. The roofs are covered with Westmoreland green slates from the Moss Rigg quarries. An open turret is fixed on the front roof to be used as a ventilating shaft and belfry. [Builder 20 December 1890 page 484]

Reference    Manchester Guardian 7 November 1888 p7 – Ecclesiastical
Reference    Builder 20 December 1890 page 484