St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Ramsbottom
TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS - Plans and specifications of ST ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH at Ramsbottom, may be inspected and bills of quantities obtained, on application at our office, No 4 Cooper Street, Bury on or after Wednesday next. Tenders will be received for the whole or any separate department of the works, but neither the lowest nor any other will necessarily be accepted. Tenders to be sealed and properly endorsed and delivered to the Secretary, Mr Lever, Bridge Street, Ramsbottom, on or before Tuesday the 27th inst. BLACKWELL & BOOTH, Architects. [Manchester Guardian Saturday 17 February 1872. Page 10]
On Saturday the foundation stone of a new English Presbyterian church was laid at Ramsbottom by Mr T Matheson of Liverpool. .... The style of architecture of the new edifice will be Gothic. On the ground floor seats will be provided for 500 worshippers, and in the gallery there will be accommodation for 200 more. The church is being built of stone obtained from the neighbouring quarries. Its dimensions are 91 feet by 42 feet; the roof, 48 feet high at the ridge, will be of one span without pillars. Attached to the church will be a minister’s vestry, session room, lavatory and other conveniences. The main feature externally will be a tower and spire at the south-west corner rising to a height of 125 feet. The architects are Messrs Blackwell and Booth, of Bury; and the work has been undertaken by local contractors. It is expected that it will be completed about next mid-summer. [Manchester Guardian 23 September 1872 page 3]
NEW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AT RAMSBOTTOM - On Saturday, Mr Thomas Matheson, Liverpool, laid the corner stone of a new English Presbyterian Church at Ramsbottom. The style of the building is geometric Gothic. The body of the church will accommodate 500 worshippers, and the necessary arrangements have been made for the erection of a gallery at the end to accommodate an additional 200. It is 91 feet long and 42 feet wide, and the height of the ceiling is 48 feet. The roof is in a single span, without any pillars. There are also provided a minister's vestry, organ chapel, large sessions room, lavatory, and other conveniences. At the south-west corner there is a tower and spire rising to a height of 125 feet. For the prevention of draughts, the two principal entrances are detached from the church by a vestibule having a swing door at each end. The seats are open benches, and the woodwork throughout is pitch pine, stained and varnished. The work is expected to be finished about Midsummer next year. The total cost is estimated at £5,000. The architects are Messrs Blackwell and Booth, Bury. [Manchester Weekly Times 28 September 1872 page 7]
Reference Manchester Guardian Saturday 17 February 1872. Page 10 -contracts
Reference Manchester Guardian 23 September 1872 page 3 - foundation stone
Reference Manchester Weekly Times 28 September 1872 page 7
Reference Barton Page 270