Building Name

Scheme to preserve Hough End Hall

1921 - 1924
GMCA, England
New build

Hough End Hall - a sixteenth century Manor house built in 1596 by Sir Nicholas Mosley (ca. 1527–1612), when he became Lord of the Manor of Manchester and of the dependent Manor of Withington (Chorlton-cum-Hardy. Post WW1 suburban expansion threatened both the hall and its setting. Concerns were first raised by John Swarbrick in a letter to MCN (2 April 1921) which was also accompanied by a scheme to preserve the building and maintain its setting. A Hough End Hall Preservation Committee was formed on 23 September 1923, with Swarbrick as secretary. The campaign to diverted the proposed road was successful, less so provisions to ensure the long-term preservation of the building.

Reference           John Swarbrick "Hough End Hall - A Residence of the Lords of the Manor of Manchester". 1923 (offprint of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society)