Building Name

Safety Curtain: Comedy Theatre Manchester

Peter Street
GMCA, England
New Build

THE COMEDY THEATRE - At the suggestion of the magistrates Mr Garcia has made an important addition to the Comedy Theatre in the shape of a fireproof curtain. The curtain has been devised by Mr Darbishire (sic) the architect of the theatre and executed under the supervision of the head stage carpenter. It consists of a framework working perpendicularly in iron grooves next the proscenium wall. The side next to the auditorium is covered with canvas rendered fireproof by Mr T Ransome=s process, whilst the side next to the stage consists of a sheet of asbestos cloth, which will resist all flame that may arise in this portion of the theatre. There is a space of two inches between the two casings, and the machinery is so simple that the curtain can be lowered in ten seconds. The exits and entrances are all fireproof, and when the curtain is down the stage is completely separated from the auditorium from basement to roof, the safe retreat of the audience being secured from all parts of the house. This is the first curtain of its kind so constructed, and it has received the unanimous approval of the bench of magistrates, who have taken a special interest in providing for the safety of the community in places of public entertainment. [Manchester Guardian 23 December 1885 page 6].

Reference           Manchester Guardian 23 December 1885 page 6