Building Name

Rudolf Memorial Home, Lampson House, Overhill Road, Dulwich

1938 - 1939
Dulwich, London Borough of Southwark
GLC, England
New build

The Duchess of Gloucester yesterday visited Dulwich and opened the Rudolf Memorial Home, Lampson House, Overhill Road. Which represents a part of the activities Of the Church of England Waifs and Strays Society. The home is in direct succession to the society's first home for girls opened in Dulwich in 1881. In 1884 a new home was opened and was named " Lampson "to commemorate the generosity of the Dowager Lady Lampson, who contributed the cost of the property.

In the new building will be housed 30 girls ranging from five years old upwards, who are what are known as " retarded " or backward as a result of neglect, cruelty or under-nourishment. Each child will spend about two years in the home, and during that time will attend a special school in the same building recognised by the Board of Education. The aim is that after two years the child will be able to take its place among normal children of the same age. The Rudolf Memorial Home, built at a cost of £22,000 to the design of Mr. Paul Phipps, contains large senior and junior class-rooms on the ground floor. Above there are light and airy dormitories, and within easy access are numerous attractive little bathrooms. [Times 23 March 1939 page 13]

Reference     Times 23 March 1939 page 13