Royal Institution (City Art Gallery) Mosley Street Manchester
THE ROYAL MANCHESTER INSTITUTION. - To bricklayers, Masons, Carpenters, Joiners, Smiths, Iron-founders, Plasterers, Slaters, Plumbers, Coppersmiths, Painters, and Glaziers. - The Committee hereby give notice, that they are ready to receive Tenders for the several Works in the superstructure of the intended Building. The Tenders to be made in strict conformity with the Plans and Specification prepared for the purpose; and also with certain Conditions and Instructions accompanying them, which may be seen at the Committee-rooms. No. 22, Brown-street, Manchester, from nine till six, daily. — The tenders to be sent (post-paid) on or before the first day of September next, to CHARLES BARRY, Esq: the architects 39, Ely- Place, London, of whom any further information may be obtained. —By order of the Committee, G F BURY, Honorary Secretary. Manchester, 28th July, 1825. [Manchester Guardian 30 July 1825 page 2]
Reference Manchester Guardian 25 December 1824 page 3 - appointment of Barry as architect
Reference Manchester Guardian 30 July 1825 page 2 - contracts