Proposed “Rest” for Men; Miller Street Angel Meadow
PROPOSED “REST” FOR MEN IN ANGEL MEADOW – A scheme is on foot for providing a well-managed lodging house, or “rest” for men in one of the poorest districts of the city. It is proposed to adapt St Michael’s Schoolroom in Miller Street for the purpose, and Mr Maycock, the architect for the workmen’s dwellings in Jersey Street, has prepared plans and arranged details of management. The plans include a large dining room, a kitchen, baths and lavatories, and well-aired dormitories at a charge of 5d or 6d a night. There will also be a shop for the sale of provisions, which will be open to outsiders, and the dining room may possibly also be made available for the general public, an arrangement, if practicable, will certainly confer a boon upon the district. [Manchester Guardian 28 June 1893 page 8]
Reference Manchester Guardian 28 June 1893 page 8