Police Court, Green Lane, Wilmslow
POLICE-COURT, WILMSLOW, CHESHIRE —There have just been erected at Wilmslow a new sessions house and police buildings for the Wilmslow and Alderley Edge districts by the Cheshire County Council, the architect being Mr. Beswick, and the contractors Messrs. Meadows, of Southport (sic). The new buildings, which have cost about £6,000, stand in the centre of the town. There is a courtroom and the usual rooms for the justices and witnesses. On the ground floor are the cells and offices for the district inspector and other officers. There is also a private residence for the chief officer, a parade ground, and accommodation for the ambulance. [Builder 30 August 1902 page 195]
COURTHOUSE, WILMSLOW —On the 27th ult. a new courthouse and police buildings for the districts of Wilmslow and Alderley Edge were opened at Wilmslow. The buildings have been erected at a cost of £6,000 by Messrs Meadows, of Stockport, from the plans of Mr. H. Beswick, the County Architect. [Builder 6 December 1902 page 534]
Reference Builder 30 August 1902 page 195
Reference Builder 6 December 1902 page 534
The Courts closed about 1990 and the building was converted into a pub named "The Blue Lamp." It was demolished in December 2002 and flats built on the site.