Out-patients' Wing Women and Children's Hospital Park Place, Cheetham Hill Road
CLINICAL HOSPITAL CHEETHAM: NEW WING - An important addition to the Clinical Hospital for Women and Children, Park Place, Cheetham Hill Road, has just been completed and will be opened on Monday next. The new wing is for the accommodation of out-patients, and it removes an inconvenience which has been severely felt in connection with the hospital for many years past. Last year there were 3744 women and 5379 children treated in the out-patients department, the total attendance being 9122 as compared with 9033 in 1890. Trustees of the will of the late Mr Donald Proctor gave a donation to the hospital which was sufficient to enable the committee to purchase two dwelling houses in Cheetham Hill Road, adjoining the main building, and these have been converted into a fine out-patients' department at a total cost of £2,000 which has been met by subscriptions. In addition ,1,000 has been raised to discharge an accumulated debt owing on the revenue account. The front of the building is of red Ruabon brick and terra cotta and is pleasing to the eye. A spacious waiting room, consulting rooms for the doctors and other necessary accommodation has been provided. The architects were Messrs Mangnall and Littlewood (sic) of this city. [Manchester City News 17 September 1892 Page 8 Column 7]
Reference Manchester City News 17 September 1892 Page 8 Column 7