New Workhouse Buildings Patricroft Workhouse (Architectural Competition)
NEW WORKHOUSE BUILDINGS AT PATRICROFT - The Guardians of the Barton Union have awarded the first premium of £60 for plans for the new workhouse extension at Patricroft to Messrs Mangnall and Littlewoods, architects of this city. The second and third premiums respectively have been given to Messrs Booth and Chadwick and Messrs Barker and Ellis. The present workhouse was built from plans prepared by Messrs Mills and Murgatroyd at a cost of about £8,000. In 1878 new Union offices were erected from plans prepared by Messrs Barker and Ellis, and ten years ago new cellular tramp wards were added. [Manchester Guardian? Thursday 1 January 1891 Page 7]
Reference Manchester Guardian Thursday 1 January 1891 Page 7 Column 6
Reference Builder LX Page 29