Building Name

New Offices and Stores, Poland Street, Oldham Road

Poland Street
Ancoats, Manchester
GMCA, England
Manchester Corporation Street Mains Department
New build

NEW CORPORATION BUILDINGS IN POLAND STREET - Mr Alderman Gibson, chairman of the Gas Committee of Manchester Corporation laid the foundation stone yesterday of new offices and stores at the depot of the Street Mains Department in Poland Street, Oldham Road. The new buildings are to provide incrased accommodation for carrying on the work of the department. They are to replace older buildings erected on the site at various periods over the last forty years. The new offices are to be in two sections. The blocks on the right hand side of the entrance will have on the ground floor a general office, store-room and testing shed, while the first and second floors will be used as a workshop for lamp repairs and a general storage warehouse. On the left of the entrance gateway will be situated the store-keeper=s house, a mess room for the workmen, and stabling for the horses. The work, which is estimated to cost about £13,000, is being carried out under the direction of Mr Joseph Swarbrick, architect, Manchester.

Reference           Manchester Guardian 24 July 1900 page 12