Mission Chapel Chatham Road Birkdale Southport
A new mission chapel in connection with the United Methodist Free Churches has been opened in Chatham-road, Birkdale. The building has been designed by and erected under the superintendence of Messrs Maxwell & Tuke, architects, Southport and consists of a large room, 42 feet by 28 feet, 20 feet high in the centre and 12 feet high at the sides; a minister's vestry and classroom, each 11 feet square; and a tea room, 11 feet by 5 feet with store room over. The outside walls are of common brick with 3-inch cavity and the front is relieved with patent brick bands and Caen stone dressings. The dressed woodwork is of red deal, stained and varnished. The roofs are covered with blue Velenheli slates and red ridge tiles, and overhang at eaves and gables. A lean-to roof on neatly cut and moulded brackets is placed over the doorway, which is in the centre of the front. A vestibule9 feet by 4 feet 6 inches leads into the chapel by swing doors at each side; and at this end of the room fixed benches are placed to seat 80 adults; the remainder of seats are loose forms for 120 adults. The acoustic properties have been well tested and pronounced perfect. Mr James Cheetham, builder, Southport has carried out the work at the cost of £710.
Reference British Architect 21 September 1877 Page 145