Building Name

Mill Street Day Industrial School, Mill Street, Ancoats

Mill Street
Ancoats, Manchester
GMCA, England
New Build

The Board have obtained the sanction of the Home Secretary to establish a day industrial school for 300 children in Mill Street, Ancoats. The school building is now approaching completion and accommodation will be provided for 150 Protestant and 150 Roman Catholic children. The Board have long been of the opinion, which they believe was shared by their predecessors, that many neglected children are upon the streets whose cases might be beneficially dealt with by such an institution as a day industrial school. All children sent to such schools are committed by order of a magistrate. They are fed and educated, but not clothed or lodged, in the school. The board have powers to license out children from these schools to ordinary public elementary schools, and the experience of Liverpool and other large towns has been that a great amount of good has been effected by such schools. Many children who live upon the streets and ultimately find their way into ordinary industrial schools or drift into crime may at an early age be taught in the day industrial schools habits of honesty and industry which will influence their conduct in after life. [Manchester Guardian 20 October 1888 page 7]

Reference    Manchester Guardian 20 October 1888 page 7 - Manchester School Board
Reference    Samantha Barnes page 81