Building Name

Manchester Cathedral Restorations 1860

Central, Manchester
GMCA, England
T. W. Graham

MANCHESTER —The work of restoring and renovating the cathedral and old parish church of Manchester, says the local Courier, proceeds satisfactorily. The improvements have been effected chiefly in the body of the church, or the parish portion, as distinct from the choir or chancel, over which the churchwardens have no authority. The chief improvement, in regard to comfort and use, consists in re-seating the whole of the church with oak benches, in place of the ugly and inconvenient pews. The new seats are all open and free, having carved bench-, ends. The next great improvement is the removal of the unsightly western gallery, which extended the whole width of the church. This clearance has opened to view the three western windows and in due time, when the organ is removed, the great archway and entrance will be also opened. Temperature and ventilation have received the attention of the churchwardens, and great improvements have been effected. The lighting has! also been amended by the erection of gas standards with brass branches and foliage, the burners being] in triplets of three on each of three branches. In addition to the removal of window-obstructing galleries, the lighting of the cathedral by day has, been considerably aided by a thorough cleaning of the pillars and wall surfaces, which had become very dingy. The pillars of the nave have had their thick disfiguring coats of whitewash removed, and are coloured in distemper; while the pillars of the side aisles have had stripped off about 3 inches of plaster. The pillars appear to; be many feet higher since the large disfiguring pews were removed. The dangerous lath-and-plaster ceilings received early attention, a warning having been given some time since by the fall of several cwt. of sham plaster ornament during divine; service. About fifteen tons’ weight of this unsafe ceiling have been removed from its position over the people’s heads, where it was suspended only by old wood and rotten nails. The oak beams of the roof, moulded into form, look well, and are safe, the mouldings, bosses, and varnishing adding to the effect. The roof lights in the side chapels, or aisles, have been improved and tilled with rough plate glass, ground on the inside, admitting abundance of light. The whole of the roofing has been newly leaded, and new planking placed underneath. All the carving throughout the church, whether in stone or wood, has been done by Mr. J. H. Banks, of Hulme. The pulpit, reading-desks, and choristers’ seats, were made by| Messrs. Hulme & Heron, of Cheetham-Hill. The open seats were mostly placed by Mr J. Marsden, of Bolton. Mr. Winder executed the plumbing; and Mr. Walker the heating apparatus. The coloured tiles, in geometrical patterns, with which; the floors are laid, were made by Messrs. Maw and Company, and have been laid by Mr. T. W. Graham, who was also the contractor for the whole of the masonry. To his care the general superintendence of the whole work, under Mr. J. P. Holden, the architect, has been committed. Other alterations for the better might be mentioned, both inside and outside. [Builder 21 April 1860 page 254]

MANCHESTER - With reference to our notice recently of the works of restoration in Manchester Cathedral we are asked by Mr. T. R. Williams to state that he executed a considerable portion of the carving. [Builder 5 May 1860 page 284]

Reference        Builder 21 April 1860 page 254
Reference        Builder 5 May 1860 page 284