Inland Revenue Offices 184-186 Deansgate Manchester
MANCHESTER NEW INLAND REVENUE OFFICES - Persons passing along Deansgate will have lately noticed that Messrs R Neill and Sons are at work laying the foundations of what promises to be a substantial building. We learn that the building is intended as the future home of the Inland Revenue department for Manchester. At the present time the department is housed in a rented building at the corner of Mount Street and Dickinson Street. The building now in course of erection is situate at the corner of Deansgate and Hardman Street and will be entered by a central doorway from Deansgate. In the basement will be rooms for four supervisors and their officers; large stamping room, connected with the stamp office on the ground floor by a lift; strong room, stores, heating and coal cellars, lavatories, etc. On the ground floor to the right of the entrance will be the public office for the Excise, and Collector=s private office, with retiring rooms and stores. To the left of the entrance will be the public office for the sale of stamps etc, and rooms for the Controller, and for probate business. There will be a private entrance at the back for the clerks and caretaker. A central staircase opposite the entrance will lead up to the first and second floors. On the first floor offices will be provided for the surveyors of taxes and their clerks, waiting room, lavatories, stores etc. On the second floor will be rooms for the caretaker and spare rooms for future requirements. The building will be face with stone from the Warwick quarries near Huddersfield. The plinth, architrave and columns to the main entrance, also columns to the windows, will be polished grey Aberdeen granite. The floors will be of concrete, with wood block, tile and stone paving. The rooms will be lofty and well ventilated. The public offices and corridors will be heated and probably lighted throughout by electricity. The architect is Mr Henry Tanner, Her Majesty=s Office of Works, London; the builders are Messrs Robert Neill and Sons, and clerk of works Mr Searchfield. [Manchester Guardian 25 August 1894 page 8]
LISTING TEXT - No.184 was formerly the Inland Revenue office and No.186 the High Court Registry (renovation or conversion in progress at time of survey). 1896. Ashlar, with slate roof. Trapeziform plan on end‑of‑block site. Three storeys and basement, 18‑window range; with sill‑bands, modillioned cornice surmounted by balustrading and small pediments, one with carved Royal Arms; ground floor has arched windows with hood moulds and rusticated pilasters, doorway to left with voluted pediment on consoles within arched recess, and doorway to right with coupled pilasters and entablature surmounted by blind balustrade. Upper floors have sashed windows with moulded architraves. Interior not inspected. Listing NGR: SJ8355298082.
Reference British Architect 16 March 1894. Page 196
Reference Building News 31 August 1894 page 304
Reference Manchester Guardian Saturday 10 March 1894 Page 4 - contracts
Reference Manchester Guardian 25 August 1894 page 8