Henshaw’s Asylum. School for the Blind, "Hayesleigh" Warwick Road, Old Trafford
A chaotic architectural competition, in which the instructions were changed during the course of the competition and in which the recommendation of the assessor was overturned by the Committee. The competition involved the re-building of Hayes Leigh, Warwick Road, Old Trafford as a training school for blind children at an estimated cost of £15,843 and attracted a large number of entries. The committee however, appointed Mangnall and Littlewoods as architects.
The scheme for the new residential schools, as submitted to the governors by Messrs. Mangnall and Littlewoods, utilises the old house for residential purposes, as it is in good condition, although it is unsuited for use as classrooms for blind children. The old and new residences are made into one residential block by making the old house into a wing in connection with the boys' and girls' residential block. The school, one story high, is in a central position behind the residential block, with a quadrangle between the two buildings: it is entirely detached. Accommodation will be provided for 65 girls, 85 boys, 12 to l5 officers, and about 15 servants. The administrative department is in the centre of the block. The design is in the Tudor Gothic period, and it will be carried out in Accrington bricks, with buff glazed terra-cotta dressings, with Westmorland green slates. The estimated total cost is £25,843. [Building News 22 February 1907 page 269]
Reference British Architect 8 February 1907 Page 92
Reference Building News 8 February 1907 page 199
Reference Builder 9 February 1907 Page 163 (Competitions)
Reference Builder date?/ Page 252 - Included a number of Manchester architects
Reference Manchester Guardian 20 February 1907 page *
Reference Building News 22 February 1907 page 269
Reference British Architect 1 March 1907 Page 144
Reference Building News 8 March 1907 page 379 and illustrations
Reference Building News 6 March 1908 Page 369 - appointment