Building Name

Free Library Oldham Road Newton Heath

Oldham Road
Newton Heath, Manchester
GMCA, England
New build

FREE LIBRARY, NEWTON HEATH - The free library erected in the district of Newton Heath, Lancashire, was opened by the mayor of Manchester, Mr Alderman Mark, on the 28th ult. It is now about three years since the Local Board of Health for the district adopted the architect’s design for the erection of the buildings. That portion now completed and opened to the public is part of a scheme which includes public baths, assembly rooms, free library, schools of science and art together with adjoining public offices. The architects are Messrs Booth and Chadwick, Manchester. [Builder 10 October 1891 page 282].

Reference    Builder 10 October 1891 page 282
Reference    The Builder 1891: II: 217.
Reference    Manchester Guardian 29 September 1891 page 6 - opening