Formby by the Sea
With the coming of the railway in 1848, Southport soon grew to be a fashionable resort, the pier being constructed only twelve years later in 1860. This success led to the establishment of the Formby Land and Building Company in 1875, with ambtious plans for the setting up a rival resort at Formby. Two new roads - Albert and Alexandra Roads - were driven through the dunes to the beach, their ends being joined up with a double tiered promenade of brick and concrete. The Company enjoyed only limited success and was finally wound up in 1902. All but two of the houses have since been demolished but the remains of the promenade, now mostly buried in sand can still be seen. Ashael P Bell was named among the first directors and acted as surveyor for the company, presumably responsible for the layout of the site, together with roads and infrastructure but was also promoting the site for housing purposes. However, his interest in the venture ceased upon his bankruptcy in 1879.
TRAMWAY - Tenders are required by the Formby Land and Building Company Limited, for the construction of a TRAMWAY at Formby. Plans may be seen, specification, quantities, and forms of tender from Mr. A. P. Bell, surveyor. Royal Exchange (At. Ann's Square entrance) Manchester. [Liverpool Mercury Thursday 28 October 1875 page 4]
BUILDING SITES FOR VILLA RESIDENCES - The Formby Land and Building Company Limited, are now prepared to sell the Freehold or to Let Land on perpetual chief rent. on their estate at Formby. Sixty-four acres are already laid out for this class of property, and roads formed to each intended site. The land is close to Formby railway station and the situation is highly desirable. Liberal advances will be made to builders at easy rates of interest. Plans may be seen, and particulars obtained at the Company's offices 4, Cambridge Arcade Chambers, Southport; or on application to Asahel P. Bell, Esq. architect, Royal Exchange, Manchester. [Liverpool Mercury - Friday 5 November 1875 page 2]
FORMBY-BY-THE-SEA. The foundation stone of a new Lancashire watering place, within easy reach of Liverpool, was laid on Wednesday. For about thirty years an idea has been entertained of erecting houses on the beach between Formby and Altcar, at a point where the sandhills, rising to a considerable elevation, afford excellent sea-views; but from various causes the project has never been carried out. About two years ago, however, the Formby Land and Building Company, Limited, was formed, with Mr. John Carr, of Manchester, as chairman and this Company purchased about 105 acres of land for the purpose of creating a watering place on the shore. With this object in view, they are offering the land for sale in plots. They propose to reduce the height of the sandhills overlooking the beach, and to erect a promenade or sea wall for the purpose of resisting the encroachments of the sea, which has already overrun two or three acres of the newly-acquired property. The prevention of any further encroachment, however, will be a matter of no great difficulty, as soon as any number of buildings are erected; and yesterday the foundation stone of the first house of the new watering place, which is to be called Formby-by-the-Sea, was laid by the Rev. Charles Garrett, who is to be one of the earliest residents in the new town. Various portions of the estate have been taken for building purposes, and the appearance of active building operations manifesting itself in the locality. [Liverpool Albion - Saturday 28 April 1877]
Reference Manchester Guardian Saturday 23 October 1875 Page 2 - contracts
Reference Liverpool Mercury - Thursday 28 October 1875 page 4- contracts
Reference Liverpool Mercury - Friday 5 November 1875 page 2- contracts
Reference Southport Visitor - Friday 27 April 1877 page 6 – foundation stone
Reference Liverpool Albion - Saturday 28 April 1877 – foundation stone