Extension: Museum and Free Library, Peel Park Salford
The report of the Salford Museum, Library and Park Committee for 1870 has just been published. A plan has been prepared by Mr J A Barker, architect, which has been approved by the Committee as quite feasible and possible to execute at moderate cost. It embraces the flooring of the open area between the north and south wings of the museum, and the erection of two large rooms in the space, so as to connect the two wings by these intermediate rooms. The floor space of the two new rooms would give 600 square yards for sculpture and cases, and the extent of wall surface would be equal to that of the south gallery. The estimated cost of the additional buildings, together with an alteration on the staircase landing is about £1,000. [Manchester Guardian 30 December 1870 page 3]
Reference Manchester Guardian 30 December 1870 page 3 – report of Museum Committee
No references to J A Barker have been found. The architect was probably Thomas Groom Barker of Barker and Ellis who had been responsible previously for the Victoria Arch, Peel Park, and a new portico to the Museum and Free Library