Building Name

Electric Tram Car Shed, Queens Road, Cheetham Hill

1900 - 1901
Queens Road
Cheetham Hill, Manchester
GMCA, England
Manchester Corporation TramwaysCommittee
New build
Bus museum

TRAMCAR SHED. MANCHESTER -  On the 12th ult. the foundation stone was laid of the first of several car-sheds which the Manchester Corporation are about to erect for the accommodation of the electric tramcars. The building is on the north side of Queen’s-road, Cheetham. The architect is Mr. J. Gibbons. [Builder 7 July 1900 Page 16]

MANCHESTER - The corporation electric tramways at Manchester have been formally opened by the Lord Mayor of that city. The car-shed covers four acres of ground, and has a frontage of 975 feet to Boyle-street, and 330 feet to Queen's-road. The materials used for the Boyle-street elevation are grey-red bricks in the spaces between the piers, and stock bricks for the piers, gables, arches, and strings, and the front, elevation and gateway are of stock bricks. There is room for 262 cars. The building has mechanics' shops and stores and guards' and drivers’ mess-rooms, besides other offices. There is also a house for the foreman. The total amount of the contracts has been £53,075, and the buildings were designed by Mr J. Gibbons, of Manchester. [Building News 21 June 1901 page 825]

Reference    Manchester Guardian 17 February 1900 (Tenders) Tender for roof steelwork
Reference    Builder 7 July 1900 Page 16 - foundation
Reference    Building News 21 June 1901 page 825 - opening