Building Name
Conversion and Alterations of the Spread Eagle Hotel, Smithfield Market
Shudehill, Manchester
GMCA, England
New Build
The proposal included the conversion of the hotel into refreshment rooms and shops and the construction of verandahs. More details were provided when the converted building was offered on lease in July 1892.
The MARKETS COMMITTEE invite tenders for the tenancy at an annual rent of the Spread Eagle Dining and Coffee Rooms in Smithfield Market, Manchester. The dining room is 49 feet by 19 feet and the tea room 17 feet by 13 feet 6 inches. The premises also contain a large kitchen, a pantry, the usual offices and seven bedrooms [Manchester City News 16 July 1892 Page 8 (Tenders)]
Reference Manchester City News 12 March 1892 Page ?(Tenders)
Reference Manchester City News 16 July 1892 Page 8 (Tenders)