Building Name

Congregational Church, Station Road, Sidcup

1886 - 1888
Station Road
Sidcup, London Borough of Bexley
GLC, England
New build
George Dobson, of Colchester



CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, SIDCUP - In a competition between five architects for a Congregational Church at Sidcup, Kent, the plans submitted by Mr. George Baines, of Great Winchester-street, London, have been unanimously selected by the committee. The church will ultimately seat 840 persons, and will be in the Geometric Gothic style, with a tower and spire. [Builder 10 April 1886 page 558]

CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, SIDCUP, KENT This church was opened on the 18th inst. (Wednesday last). It is built externally with Kentish rag and Bath-stone dressings, and will seat 530 adults on the ground floor, and is arranged so that 300 additional sittings can be obtained by erecting transept galleries and a front gallery over entrance lobbies. The tower and spire are not yet erected. The interior has a deal boarded ceiling varnished. The seating is of pitch-pine varnished. The contract has been carried out by Mr. George Dobson, of Colchester, from the designs and under the superintendence of Mr. George Baines, architect, 4, Great Winchester-street, E.C., whose plans were selected in a limited competition. [Building News 20 April 1888 page 562]