Building Name
Clarendon Chapel and Schools Camberwell New Road
1890 - 1891
Camberwell, London Borough of Southwalk
GLC, England
New build
H. L. Holloway, of Deptford
LONDON - For the erection of Clarendon Chapel and Schools, Clarendon-street, Camberwell New-road S E. Mr. George Baines, architect, 4, Great Winchester- street E.C. Quantities by Messrs. G. E. Goodchild & Son, 81, Finsbury-pavement, E.C. Contractor H L Holloway. [Builder 19 April 1890 page 293]
The tender of Mr. H. L. Holloway has been accepted for the erection of Clarendon Baptist Chapel, Camberwell New-road, S.E., from plans by Mr. G. Baines. The cost will be about £5,000, and the present works are exclusive of a proposed tower and spire [Building News 25 April 1890 page 565]
Reference Builder 19 April 1890 page 293
Reference Building News 25 April 1890 page 565