Church of St Mary Bridgwater Somerset
Saint Mary's was radically rebuilt from the late 1840's as the result of the impact of the Tractarian movement on Anglican liturgy. The galleries and box pews were removed, while the Corporation pews were relocated to their present position. Dickson and Brakspear won the competition for re-pewing shortly before their partnership ended. William Hayward Brakspear continued as architect for the work.
Restoration of the Parish Church of Bridgewater. The church, ... has been disfigured by an unsightly mass of pewing, varying in height, and concealing from view some of the most striking features of the building. .. According to the prevailing usage of the past century, the walls have been covered with white wash and its lofty columns with paint. Many portions of the roof have been removed, and a ceiling of lath and plaster substituted in its stead. The greatest evil, however, remains yet to be noticed; out of 200 pews which at present cover the whole area of the church, fourteen only, offering accommodation to fifty‑six persons, are available for use of the poor. ... Attention having been long since been drawn to the inconvenient arrangement of the pews in the parish church, it was determined in the month of February, by the vicar and churchwardens, to offer a premium for the best designs and plans for the complete restoration of the fabric, "a preference to be given to those who should combine correctness of architecture with the smallest outlay and greatest increase of accommodation." The officers of the church ....have unanimously adopted the drawings and plans prepared by Messrs DICKSON and BREAKSPEARE (SIC), architects of Manchester; by whose arrangement of seats accommodation will be afforded to 1,383 persons, being an increase upon the present provision of 583 sittings. ... one half of the entire area of the church shall henceforth be free and unappropriated for ever. ... the sum of two thousand pounds will be required. [The Bridgewater Times and Somerset Standard 7 June 1849]
Reference The Bridgewater Times and Somerset Standard. 7 June 1849