Board School Princess Road Moss Side
Report on meeting to discuss requirements for the new Board School proposed in Prince’s Road. [Manchester Guardian 9 June 1893 page 6]
MOSS SIDE SCHOOL BOARD: PLANS FOR THE NEW SCHOOL. - A special meeting of the Moss Side School Board was held last evening to consider the designs for the erection of a new Board School and School Board offices in Princess Road. There were twelve deigns sent in, and premiums were offered of 30, 20 and 10 guineas for the first, second and third best respectively. The Clerk to the Board read a letter from Messrs Martin and Chamberlain, architects to the Birmingham School Board who were acting as assessors and the awards were then made as follows - 1st Messrs Potts Son and Pickup Victoria Street, 2nd Mr John Lowe, Nansfield Chambers St Ann’s Square; 3rd Messrs Pennington and Bridgen, Queen’s Chambers, John Dalton Street. A resolution was proposed by Mr Nasmith, seconded by Dr Garrett and passed, appointing Messrs Potts Son and Pickup the architects for the erection of the school and offices. The estimated cost of the building is about ,14,000. The plans will be open for the inspection of the public until Saturday from 3 to 10 pm each day at the Moss Side Liberal Club. [Manchester Guardian 24 August 1893 page4]
MOSS SIDE SCHOOL BOARD Meeting of 19 Sept 1893 confirmed the appointment of Potts Son and Pickup who were also appointed to take out the quantities. .... Mr Nasmith moved AThat the Princess Road School be ventilated by mechanical means, and that the architects be instructed to prepare a scheme and estimate and submit same to the Education Department for approval with the plans.@ He said the advantages of this mechanical system of ventilation were that the air in every room in the building would be changed three or four times every hour without causing draughts. [Manchester Guardian 20 September 1893 page 4]
The Moss Side School Board INVITE TENDERS for the ERECTION of their NEW BOARD SCHOOL, CARETAKER’S HOUSE and BOARD’S OFFICES in Princess Road. Plans and specifications can be seen and forms of tender and quantities obtained at the office of the Architects, Messrs Potts Son and Pickup, 34 Victoria Buildings, Victoria Street Manchester. [Manchester Guardian 30 January 1894 page 1]
THE FIRST BOARD SCHOOL FOR MOSS SIDE - Yesterday afternoon the ceremony of cutting the first sod on the site in Princess Road to be occupied by the first school built by the Moss Side School Board was performed by Dr Jackson, the Chairman of the Board. .... There would be accommodation for 432 infants, 564 Amixed@ scholars, 120 girls and 120 boys. The school would be mainly conducted on what was known as the mixed system, theirhope in following that plan being that the boys and girls might grow up more fully developed mentally and morally than they would if taught in separate classrooms. [Manchester Guardian 26 April 1894 page 8]
SCHOOL BOARD WORK IN MOSS SIDE OPENING OF A NEW SCHOOL BY THE MARQUIS OF LORNE MP - A new Board School in Princess Road Moss Side was formally opened last evening by the Marquis of Lorne, M P. The school building has been designed on the Acentral hall principle,@ the school hall being in the middle and the entrances and offices at the sides. The building is of three storeys. On the ground floor are six good-sized classrooms, to be used by the infants’ department. The central hall is on the first floor, and at each end of the hall there is a range of four classrooms. The second floor is taken up with the playground for the boys and with a series of four rooms intended for use by the seventh and ex-seventh standard scholars. One of the classrooms o this floor is arranged for use as a chemical laboratory, and another as a lecture room, with gallery. A room for instruction in manual work and a cookery room have also been provided. The infants’ department has accommodation for 325 children; there is room on the two floors for 901 Aupper@ scholars. In all places are provided for 1,226 children, and the upper school is worked as a Amixed@ department. The left wing of the building includes offices for the Board on the ground floor, and in the right wing is a caretaker’s house. The cost of the whole school and the Board offices and caretaker’s house has been about ,14,000. If the cost of the school building is alone reckoned, the capital expenditure for each scholar can be taken at about ,10. [Manchester Guardian 9 November 1895 page 8]
THE FIRST BOARD SCHOOL IN MOSS SIDE - The Marquis of Lorne MP opened a new Board School in Princess Road, Moss Side, yester-night week ....... The Princess Road School is designed with a special view to convenience of teaching, light and ventilation. It is built on the Central Hall principle, the school hall being in the middle and the offices and entrances at the sides. The building is three storeys high. On the ground floor are six good-sized class-rooms, to be used for the infants' department. The second floor is taken up with the playground for the boys, and with a series of four rooms intended for use by the seventh and ex-seventh standard scholars. One of the rooms on the second floor is arranged as a chemocal laboratory, and another as a lecture room. In addition there is a room for instruction in manual work provided in the basement, and a cookery room on the ground floor. Places are provided in the school for 1289 children, The school, including furnishings, has cost about ,14,000. Messrs Potts Son & Pickup of this city are the architects and Messrs Storrs, Sons & Company, Stalybridge, the contractors. [Manchester City News 16 November 1895 Page 7 Column 3]
This report in the Manchester City News also recorded the various dignitaries present at the formal opening on 8 November 1895 and detailed the speech made by the Chairman of Moss Side School Board. Within the first week of the school's opening in September 1895 it had attacted 268 pupils in the infants department and 670 pupils in the upper school. By November 1895 the school was virtually full, these figures having risen to 325 infants and 901 in the upper school. Plans for another Board School in Upper Lloyd-street with places for 440 were also announced by the Chairman
A new Board School in Moss Side, Manchester, was formally opened on the 8th inst by the Marquis of Lorne MP. The school has accommodation for about 1200 children and has cost ,14,000. [British Architect 15 November 1895 Page 357]
Reference Manchester Guardian 9 June 1893 page 6 - requirements
Reference Manchester Guardian 24 August 1893 page 4 -competition result
Reference Manchester Guardian 20 September 1893 page 4 - mechanical ventilation
Reference Manchester Guardian 30 January 1894 page 1- contracts
Reference Manchester Guardian 26 April 1894 page 8 - cutting the first sod
Reference Manchester Guardian 9 November 1895 page 8 - opening
Reference Manchester City News 16 November 1895 Page 7 Column 3- opening
Reference British Architect 15 November 1895 Page 357- opening
Reference Samantha F Barnes. Manchester Board Schools 1870-1902