Building Name

Almond Brook Primitive Methodist Church, Shevington Moor Standish Wigan

1909 - 1910
Almond Brook Road
Shevington Moor, Wigan
GMCA, England
New Build

On Easter Monday, 31st March, 1910, the memorial stones for the new Church were laid by Mr. James Rigby (in memory of the parents of the Fairhurst  family). The cost of the new Church was double that of the Chapel but lighting would be by oil lamps and there would even be central heating. On Wednesday, 31st August, 1910 Miss Norris of Eccleston opened the new Church for public worship.The new church at Almond Brook was opened by Miss Norris on Wednesday, August 31st 1910.

Reference           Builder 2 October 1909 Page 365