Building Name

1877 Alterations: Theatre Royal Peter Street Manchester

Peter Street
Central, Manchester
GMCA, England

THEATRE ROYAL - Considerable alterations and improvements have been made in this theatre during the weeks it has been closed. The wall which formerly separated the circles from the passage behind has been taken down, thereby allowing about five feet more space and providing a sort of lounge or promenade. In lieu of the wall there is now a handsome American walnut barrier. A barrier has also been put up round the seats in the pit, and greater facilities for entrance and exit are afforded. In accordance with a suggestion of the Chief Constable, Captain Palin, a handrail has been placed on the wall side of the staircase leading to the gallery. New chandeliers have been placed in the main entrance and circles and brackets round the pit, while the sun-light has been raised seven or eight feet, so as no longer to cast a deep shadow upon the ceiling. The ventilation, it is expected, will also be found to be considerably improved. The whole of the interior has been regilded and painted, the colours changed, and a special effort made to gratify as much as possible the popular taste for amber. The whole of the improvements have been carried out under the direction of Mr E Salomons, architect. [Manchester Guardian 27 July 1877 page 6]

Reference           Manchester Guardian 27 July 1877 page 6

Note: Both Wyke and Stewart give a date of 1875 for the partial remodelling of the auditorium following the departure of John Knowles, the original owner. Architects are given as Salomon and Ely.

References    Terry Wyke & Nigel Rudyard -Manchester Theatres  Manchester 1994
Reference    C Stewart - Index of Principal Buildings and their Architects Page 51