Matthias Seanor
- Born : 4 August 1838 at Aberford, near Tadcaster Yorkshire
- Married : Margaret Hannah Bennett on 2 May 1861 at Cathedral, Manchester
- Died : 2 April 1915 at Manchester
Matthias Seanor was born on November 21 1839, in Aberford, near Tadcaster, Yorkshire and moved to Manchester about 1860 where he was initially employed as a pattern maker. He appears to have first styled himself architect in the early 1870s with little or no training. In 1881 a petition for liquidation was filed in the Manchester County court on behalf of Matthias Seanor, of 1, Police Street, Manchester, architect. The liabilities were estimated at £79,200. A local paper stated that this failure has been caused by the debtor's connection, as a director, with a Manchester building society, in which capacity he, along with his co-directors, signed promissory notes for loans to the society to a considerable amount. His connection with the society, moreover, had ceased upwards of six years before, and his position is one for which much sympathy was felt. About 1895 he was joined in partnership by his son under the style Matthias Seanor and Son.
Matthias Seanor died on 12 April 1915 at his residence 87 Egerton Road Withington, aged 76.
1874 69 Piccadilly (British Architect 20-02-74 page 126)
1880 M Seanor China Buildings, Police Street Manchester
1891 Matthias Seanor, architect and surveyor, 22 Commercial Buildings 15 Cross Street (Slater's Directory)
1894 Matthias Seanor, architect and surveyor, 22 Commercial Buildings 15 Cross Street (Slater's Directory)
1896-1915 : M. Seanor & Son, architects and surveyors, 22 Commercial Buildings, Cross Street (Slater's Directory)
1871 Richmond Terrace, 648, Rochdale Road (Slater's Directory)
1891 Laurel Bank. 22, Range Road Whalley Range. (Slater's Directory)
1894 Laurel Bank. 22, Range Road Whalley Range. (Slater's Directory)
1896 Laurel Bank. 22, Range Road Whalley Range. (Slater's Directory)
1915 87 Egerton Road Withington,